Arunachala & Ramana's Grace upon us
Ramana Maharishi Darshan - RETRO LIVE VIDEO
Ramana & Arunachala
Sri Ramana Maharshi: If one surrenders oneself there will be no one
to ask questions or to be thought of. Either the thoughts are
eliminated by holding on to the root thought `I', or one surrenders
oneself unconditionally to the highest power. These are the only two
ways for realization.
- Ramana Maharshi People who look for specific results from meditation but do not get
them, become discouraged and conclude that meditation has done them
no good; to them the Sage says: "It does not matter at all whether
these results are attained or not. The attainment of steadiness is
the main thing; it is the great gain. Anyhow they must trust
themselves to God and wait for His Grace without impatience. The same
rule applies to japa also; japa uttered even once does good, whether
the person is aware of it or not."
before trying to find how to resolve the problem, see who is it,.. that has the problem. - Ramana Maharshi
|| Om Param Tatvaay Naaraayannaay Gurubhyo Namah ||
om gurave namah
Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namah
“Arunachala Shiva, Arunaaachala Shiva”
om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya
to ask questions or to be thought of. Either the thoughts are
eliminated by holding on to the root thought `I', or one surrenders
oneself unconditionally to the highest power. These are the only two
ways for realization.
- Ramana Maharshi People who look for specific results from meditation but do not get
them, become discouraged and conclude that meditation has done them
no good; to them the Sage says: "It does not matter at all whether
these results are attained or not. The attainment of steadiness is
the main thing; it is the great gain. Anyhow they must trust
themselves to God and wait for His Grace without impatience. The same
rule applies to japa also; japa uttered even once does good, whether
the person is aware of it or not."
before trying to find how to resolve the problem, see who is it,.. that has the problem. - Ramana Maharshi
|| Om Param Tatvaay Naaraayannaay Gurubhyo Namah ||
om gurave namah
Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namah
“Arunachala Shiva, Arunaaachala Shiva”
om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya
I am not going anywhere, where shall I go? I shall be there where I am always
•Ramana developed cancer and when his devotees voiced concern about losing him, he responded with the statement “above." He died in April, 1950, sitting in lotus position. The final word that passed from his lips was the sacred syllable OM. •The French photographer Cartier-Bresson was visiting Ramana's ashram as Ramana neared death. He noted the following astronomical event which appeared in the night sky over the sacred mountain Arunachala as Ramana died: •I saw a shooting star with a luminous tail unlike any I had ever seen before moving slowly across the sky and reaching the top of Arunachala, the mountain, disappearing behind it. We immediately looked at our watches. It was 8:47. We raced to the ashram only to find that the master had passed in to Mahanirvana at that exact minute. Nor was this experience only documented by a select few … All the English and Tamil papers which arrived this morning from Madras referred to the meteor which had been seen in the sky over the entire state of Madras at 8:47 on the night of April 14 by a large number of people in different places. These eyewitnesses had been struck by its peculiar look and behavior. Ramana who often circumambulated the sacred mountain as an act of worship seemed to be making his final arc around the mountain as a blazing light in the night sky.
Dakshinamurthi and Ramana's presence
Till this day - it is believed that Dakshinamurthi presides at Arunachala, forever teaching
dakshiNamurthy dhyAna Slokam: The leg pressing over a demon, on the top of which the Embodiment of merits is sitting with one leg folded, the one who teaches difficult words (vedas) with ease, the sages enjoying (the teachings, sitting) on ground, with the (hand) posture of explaining, a fire pot, book and akshamAla in the four hands, Who trembles away my ignorance, to That dakshiNAmUrti (salutations).
purANa of the dakshinamurthy: dakshiNA mUrti: south faced Lord (yOga mUrti)
The four sons, of brahmA, sanaka, sanandana, sanAtana, sanat kumAra did austere tapas and analysis, but they were unclear of the Supreme Truth. They finally decided to come to Lord Shiva to get the knowledge of the Truth. The Lord sat under the banyan tree, and the four sages also sat down around Him. Lord stayed in the yOga posture without saying a single word. The four sages got all their doubts cleared just by that posture. The form in which God appeared as a Supreme Guide is the form of wisdom dakshiNAmUrti.
This explains that the Truth cannot be explained in words and must be experienced. Including the great chinmudra posture, the posture of shrI dhakshiNA mUrti, who is the teacher of all the teachers, indicates a lot of information that needs days to explain. As thirumUlar says, the posture of the guru is a thing to be thought about always. That is the clarity ! (theLivu guruvuru chin^dhiththal thAnE)
dakshiNamurthy dhyAna Slokam: The leg pressing over a demon, on the top of which the Embodiment of merits is sitting with one leg folded, the one who teaches difficult words (vedas) with ease, the sages enjoying (the teachings, sitting) on ground, with the (hand) posture of explaining, a fire pot, book and akshamAla in the four hands, Who trembles away my ignorance, to That dakshiNAmUrti (salutations).
purANa of the dakshinamurthy: dakshiNA mUrti: south faced Lord (yOga mUrti)
The four sons, of brahmA, sanaka, sanandana, sanAtana, sanat kumAra did austere tapas and analysis, but they were unclear of the Supreme Truth. They finally decided to come to Lord Shiva to get the knowledge of the Truth. The Lord sat under the banyan tree, and the four sages also sat down around Him. Lord stayed in the yOga posture without saying a single word. The four sages got all their doubts cleared just by that posture. The form in which God appeared as a Supreme Guide is the form of wisdom dakshiNAmUrti.
This explains that the Truth cannot be explained in words and must be experienced. Including the great chinmudra posture, the posture of shrI dhakshiNA mUrti, who is the teacher of all the teachers, indicates a lot of information that needs days to explain. As thirumUlar says, the posture of the guru is a thing to be thought about always. That is the clarity ! (theLivu guruvuru chin^dhiththal thAnE)